Hangin' Out in Karongue

Hangin' Out in Karongue

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pray for Karongue

The director of the school in Karongue,
Mr. Sane, and his class.
Recently, we spent the day in a village called Karongue. Karongue is about 12 kilometers away from Diouloulou and Keba, one of the believers from Diouloulou, has family that lives there. We spent the day meeting new friends, talking with the chief and his family, praying for people, and visiting the small elementary school in the village. We did this with the goal of one day soon being able to start a regular Bible study in the village that is lead and facilitated by a believer from Diouloulou, namely Keba.

During our visit there we laughed, joked with the people, and talked about the things of life, but we also told them that we and our friends in America promised to pray for them and their village. And they really took this to heart. They were encouraged to know that there was a family in Diouloulou and friends in America who were promising that they would pray for their village.

And now we must pray. We must pray without ceasing. We must pray with fervency and consistency. We must pray that God, by His Spirit, would be at work in the hearts and minds of the people of Karongue. Please commit to pray regularly for the people of Karongue. Commit to pray for Keba and his standing in the village and that he would have wisdom and boldness as he prepares to lead a study there in the future. And pray for us as we seek to equip the few believers who are here in Diouloulou to take the Gospel to the surrounding villages.


  1. I am committing to pray for Karongue and for Keba daily. Have a wonderful celebration of our Lord's birth!

  2. Oh, Oh, Oh, and for you, too, will I add more to pray about!

  3. I added you to my prayer journal right now. Praying you have a blessed Christmas!!! Miss you all.
