Hangin' Out in Karongue

Hangin' Out in Karongue

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Worth It

Though we are extremely excited about our new ministry and what God holds for our future it would be a lie to say that the last two weeks have not been hard. It has been tough saying good-bye to dear friends. It was not easy to take most of our possessions to the auction to get rid of them. It was difficult finding a new home for the dog that your kids grew up with. These have indeed been challenges for us.

I was talking with one of our children this week and they were honestly telling me how hard all of this was. And I could totally relate to what they were saying because I was feeling all of the same things. But then we together tried to get God's perspective. And we talked about how glorious it is to share the Good News of Jesus among a people who have never heard. We thought about the worth of the people of southern Senegal in the eyes of God. We discussed the precious treasure that is the Gospel and how God delights in us giving it away. In the end we were reminded that it's worth it.

That has become our family's slogan over the last week: "It's worth it." Because it reminds us that no matter what the sacrifice may be, in light of eternity and the Gospel and the unreached peoples of the world, it is all worth it. With that perspective it begins to feel like less of a sacrifice and more of a gain. And that frees us to do hard things with joy.

Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

1 comment:

  1. Matthew I thought you were going to Jacksonville Fla. to do missionary out from there. i see here it says Senegal. Where is that at? Of course should not matter as all for our Lord and seeing that these people learn of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. You, Gayle and the children are in my prayers as you go forth with the word of Christ. David and Kim are doing well. Being a grandma I try not to worry but we go on with other things. God bless you and your family in this world mission.Keeping you in my prayers daily. Peggy Roberts Sumter SC
