Hosanna’s African name is Maimouna and it also happens to be the name of her best friend who lives beside us. To differentiate between the two “Maimounas” the family of her friend calls Hosanna “Maimouna Toubab” (Toubab means “white person” in the local language) and her friend “Maimouna Noire” (Noire means “black” in French). While we have all adapted well to our life in
Being Maimouna means that when you play with your friends you seamlessly transition between three languages, none of which are the language of your home country. It also means that sometimes you struggle in school because your head is filled with words and phrases and concepts that you don’t use in your English home school.
Being Maimouna means eating rice nearly every day is normal and you’re not even scared to eat off of the fish head in the bowl. It means you’ll try rat and that you want to try monkey. It means that eating five mangos a day during the rainy season doesn’t seem like too many.
Being Maimouna means that shoes are always optional, however you can’t leave home without wearing a long skirt. It means that you are the only blond haired, blue eyed girl for miles and miles around and that getting a lot of attention goes with the territory.
Being Maimouna means that playing with your friends at their house means helping them work and laughing while you do it. It sometimes means that you wash your friend’s hair and help them take out their braids. It means that when your friends play at your house the few toys that you have get shared among everyone. Being Maimouna means that you have to invent a toy “rental” system, where a borrowed toy can be exchanged for a new one the next day as long as it is brought back in semi-working condition. Being Maimouna means that you likely have fewer possessions than every friend you know in the States, but far more than any other child in the village where you live.
Being Maimouna means that you play with animals like chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, pigs, and the occasional parrot and monkey. It means that when your Daddy catches a live mouse in the house that you beg him to let you keep it as a pet. It means that sometimes when you pour the leftover rice from lunch out back, when your parents aren’t watching, that you purposefully pour it out on top of your bare feet so that the chickens and the free-range pigs will eat it off of your feet because it “kinda tickles” and the pigs are your “friends.”
Being Maimouna means that you can wear a pretty “princess” dress and still play in the dirt and get filthy with your friends.
Being Maimouna means that you live between two worlds: the world that is the inside of your home where everyone shares the same language, religion, and skin color and the outside world all around you where no matter how well you adapt you are still different. And it means that sometimes you don’t exactly know where you fit in the best.
Being Maimouna means that you occasionally ask about what things are like back where the grandparents live. And you don’t always understand it when it is explained to you.
Being Maimouna means that your parents pray for the day, in the not too distant future, when you will once again make another transition into another culture to go to college; the culture of your passport, but not the culture of your life. But being Maimouna means that the God of all grace goes with you and helps you to make sense of the things that don’t seem to fit at times. And because of that, being Maimouna Toubab is not a bad place to be.
Four years ago, we were called to Iraq for a six month stay. Now after being here almost for all of the past three years, I really feel what you are saying here. Knowing our time here would be short, at least one more year, I have continually told my girls that our impact here may be small, just a small drop of water into the ocean of this culture. However the effect on our lives would be far greater. I am praying this impact will be everlasting... Blessings to your family on your journey... One HUGE blessing has been taking Maimouna Toubab along with you!!
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures and stories of your life in Senegal but this one brought tears to my eyes. Hosanna/Maimouna Toubab is a true missionary/Goodwill Ambassador for Christianity. I'm sure that God is looking down with favor on you all!! AND I'm sure it must be very "freeing" to be able to go barefoot and not care if you get dirty when you are on an "adventure".....like holding a chicken as if it is a doll or a baby (how the chicken feels, I couldn't guess). And to be able to speak 3 languages other than English....what an experience!! The experiences and lessons learned there will stand them in good stead for all their lives. I love you all and, selfishly, wish I could see you and talk to you more often....however, your blog is a close 2nd!! Love Mom/ Grandma Madge
ReplyDeleteYes for Senegal to Christ and thank you too the lord has no forget that land and his purpose are to save that the people in love and in the Holy Spirit and be bless you who are working there for Jesus blood sake , let the Lord send mighty outpouring of the HolySpirit on you with love and care and healing with hope,thanks and bless,keijo sweden